Thursday, August 6, 2009

Photos of trip

If you missed the photo link -
There are over 3000, so be careful, but they are labelled by either day or place -I'm working on the editing and sorting to get them manageable...but late night boredom might be relieved (or at least sleep could be induced!)
Some of the things I miss:
- .50 lira cold water on every street corner
- rice pudding
- cheese, olive, vegetable breakfasts
- being noticed
- cheap food
- appropriate sized gelato cones
- cherry juice and blueberry juice drinks
- sour cherry jam

Some of the things I appreciate now that I'm home:
- public restrooms - even port-a-potties - free, toilet paper, water & soap
- quiet
- drivers who stay in their lanes
- fresh fruit
- washing machines
- blending in
- cleanliness of streets and public spaces